Young leaders training in NOR

Young leaders training in NOR

The Norwegian Association of University Sport (NSI) held from 15-17th of October a training course gathering the young leaders of their student sport association in the beautiful city of Molde.

Based on the idea of team building, this seminar was an opportunity for leaders from all around the country to meet and exchange experience and good practice. Several presentations were exposed to the participants regarding the organisation of the national university sport, volunteering, team building, funding university sport projects and the international actors of the University Sport and especially EUSA and its student commission.


Julien Buhajezuk , EUSA STC, giving a presentation

Maria Rubach, Norwegian member of the EUSA StC and Julien Buhajezuk prepared a presentation of EUSA and of the student commission in order to raise the awareness and to tighten the links between the students and their representatives.

Besides these presentation were held some sport activities - climbing, dancing - and some social events in order to enable a certain network building throughout peer to peer interactions.


Marius H. Johannessen, NSI secretary general and participants

Karl Olav Haaland, president of the NSI and Marius H. Johannessen, NSI secretary general were both very satisfied by the meeting and hope for the same achievement for the next edition of their Ledersamling.

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