XXV. International Student Christmas Tournament in Dubrovnik

The XXV. International Student Christmas Tournament, also known as the “Vedran Jelavic Memorial Tournament" will take place from 15-18 December, 2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
The International Student Christmas Tournament is the oldest, still existing invitation tournament for students in Croatia. It is named after a professor at the University of Dubrovnik and former deputy mayor of the city of Dubrovnik, who was heavily involved in the organization of the tournament in its early stages.
This tournament is a unique Croatian student event where college teams meet and compete in men’s basketball and women’s volleyball. Organizer and host of this sports event is the University of Dubrovnik.This event will be held under EUSA patronage.
The competitions will take place in the Dubrovnik Sports Center - Gospino polje and in the gymnasiums of local schools, that will provide all the necessary competition equipment for quality volleyball and basketball competitions.
Registration for the tournament is open until the 15th of November, 2022.
Regarding the tournament, is not only the sports story that makes it interesting, but the city of Dubrovnik as one of the most significant tourist destinations gives it a special value, so we encourage you to apply and take part in this XXV. International Student Christmas Tournament.
For more information please visit the official Facebook page of the tournamet under the name XXV. International Student Christmas Tournament, as well as https://www.unidu.hr/eng/ or write at sssd@unidu.hr