WUC Seminar organised by FISU

WUC Seminar organised by FISU

International University Sports Federation (FISU) hosted the World University Championships Seminar in mid February in Brussels, Belgium. Organized every two years, the seminar seeks to aid in the preparation of the WUC events that will take place during the running year. This edition received 22 local organising committees with delegates travelling from different countries around the world.

At the same time, the WUC Seminar was used as a working session for the FISU Technical Chairs of the sports on the WUC program. The new members of this commission were at the same time welcomed and had their first contact with their colleagues and the organising committees of the respective sport event.

Laurent Briel, FISU WUC Director


The two-day Seminar was setup focusing on providing all attendants an overview of the fields specifically related to the organisation and management of a FISU World University Championship. The 78 delegates present had the opportunity to hear a wide variety of topics, from a general presentation of FISU to the specificities of protocol and communication at FISU events, from the administrative processes and cooperation to the roles of various delegates nominated to the events, amongst many other interesting and in-depth presentations.


This was also the case of three examples related to LOC’s that organised WUC’s in 2010 – a practical case of general organisation was presented from the Savate WUC in Nantes (France), the work done on brand image and communication from the Rugby 7 WUC in Porto (Portugal) and the involvement with the local authorities in the Golf WUC in Antequera (Spain).

FISU Vice-President and WUC CTI Chair


The seminar was held in a positive atmosphere and all speakers were well received in the presentations. The FISU CTI Chair WUC and Vice-President Leonz Eder considered the seminar to be a success, as it is always very important to have all the stakeholders at the same table – CT chairs, representatives from OC's of and other FISU committee representatives and guests.

(Photos by C. Pierre, FISU)


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