World Universities Championships coming up

World Universities Championships coming up

The 2014 World University Championships, held under the umbrella of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), will shart shortly.


The Championships calendar will start with the World University Cross-Country Championship on March 22 in Entebbe, Unganda. This is also the only FISU event on the African continent in 2014, and there are still some places left for the individual and team classifications.


The 29 sports will then be organised throughout the year in several countries over the 5 continents. Europe and their national university sports associations (also EUSA members) are again the most active in organising the World Universities Championships.


The 2014 season of the Championships will conclude with the 2nd World University Speed Skating Championship in Almaty, Kazakhstan starting on December 18.


For the detailed calendar and event links, please see

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