Working meetings in Rotterdam and Ljubljana

Working meetings in Rotterdam and Ljubljana

With the possibilities to register for the European Universities Games soon closing, Ljubljana and Rotterdam hosted series of working meeting between the representatives of the Organising Committee of the 2nd European Universities Games Rotterdam 2014 (EUGames 2014) and the European University Sports Association (EUSA) between March 11 and 14, 2014.


Ljubljana, where the main office of EUSA is located , was visited by Ms Eva van der Vegt, EUGames 2014 Manager Facilities and her assistant Ms Marjolein van der Slikke. They were welcomed by Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General and Mr Patrik Perosa, Sports Manager. The main topics of discussion in Ljubljana were accommodation, transport and operational issues related to the Games.

Marjolein van der Slikke and Eva van der Vegt in EUSA office


Rotterdam, the host city of the event was visited by Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications and Projects Manager. During his stay he met with Mr Henk Smit, EUGames 2014 Tournament Director, Ms Gaby Dijkstra, Marketing & Communication Manager and their team of interns, to discuss topics related to the events during the Games, including the educational and cultural programme. European projects and funding opportunities were also discussed.

Andrej Pisl and Gaby Dijkstra, together with interns at the Erasmus University Campus


The organisers and EUSA are working hard to enable a quality event offering best options for students from all over Europe to compete, socialise and get educated, respecting inclusion, non-discrimination and fair play.

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