Working meeting with EUSA Treasurer

Working meeting with EUSA Treasurer

Mr Leonz Eder, EUSA EC Member and Treasurer visited the EUSA Office in Ljubljana, Slovenia for a working meeting between September 6 and 8. Apart from meetings in Ljubljana, a visit to the 2nd European Universities Golf Championship was organised, as the championship is taking place in Slovenia during this time.

Visit to the Golf championship: Mr Pecovnik, Mr Kugovnik and Mr Eder

During his stay, he met with EUSA EC members Mr Otmar Kugovnik, Mr Jose Savoye and EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik.

Mr Pecovnik and Mr Eder

Mr Eder and Mr Pecovnik went over the financial and legal matters, in preparation for the upcoming meeting of the EUSA Executive Committee which will be held in St Gallen, Switzerland end of September.

Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications manager and IT specialist from Dspot company

Joined by EUSA Communications member Mr Andrej Pisl, they also had several meetings with some of the service providers to EUSA, especially in the field of IT, travel and design.

Meeting at the travel agency

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