Winter Universiade meetings

Winter Universiade meetings

The city of Trento is in its final stretch towards the 26th Winter Universiade. Trentino Winter Universiade Organising Committee therefore hosted the Heads of Delegation (HoD) meeting between September 26 and 28. Just before that, the FISU Winter Universiade Supervision Committee (CSU) met on 24 and 25 September at the Dean’s Office of the University of Trento to discuss with the Local Organising Committee the progress made in the preparation of the 2013 Winter Universiade.

FISU Supervision Commission


The HoD meeting was an opportunity for the OC to fine-tune its teams, volunteers, logistics etc. During the three days, the Organising Committee presented to the 28 participating countries’ delegates its final project, showing them most of the sports venues and functional areas.

Heads of Delegations asking questions


Amongst the speakers, Mr Sergio Anesi, OC President personally welcomed the delegates and emphasized the fact that the city of Trento and the entire region are very excited to host the Universiade during these 10 days in December. OC Secretary-General Mr Filippo Bazanella presented the Region of Trentino and its status. Mr Ubaldo Prucker, Sports Director of the 26th Winter Universiade, presented the geographical distribution of the competitions and gave some details regarding the competition programme.

Inspection of various locations


On behalf of FISU, Mrs Kairis ULP, Chair of the Supervision Committee, welcomed the participants and recalled the importance of this inspection visit to the delegations’ representatives.

Team draw


The participants who atendeed the three-day HoD meeting had a chance to visit different venues and locations, also testing the accommodation, catering and transportation system. The team draws for the ice hockey and curling competitions of the Trentino Winter Universiade aslo took place during the heads of delegation meeting on the last day of the meeting.

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