Winter Universiade Conference - Call for papers

Winter Universiade Conference - Call for papers

The International Federation for University Sport (FISU) and the University of Trento will organise the 26th Winter Universiade international conference on "University Sport: Inspiring Innovation" in Trentino, Italy on December 9 and 10, 2013. The objective of the conference is to investigate from different angles how sport (and in particular sport within universities) can become an important source of inspiration for new research projects, a driver for innovative companies, products and services and a stimulus for designing innovative curricula for students (employability).


The organisers published a call for papers, inviting submissions of Extended Abstracts (max 2 pages, 2000 words) in the following areas (the list is not exhaustive):



- Research projects and outcomes inspired by sport (in any field of knowledge)

- Innovative products and services inspired by sport

- Collaborative research partnerships between universities, sporting organizations and the sport industry

- FieldLabs for sport innovation

- Funding bodies and fund raising for sport-related research projects

- Research networks connecting academia, sport industry and investors



- Innovative Dual Career Programs: How to enable elite athletes to combine their sporting career with university studies?

- Education Support for high-performance Athletes and Athlete Talent Development programs

- Curricula for the next generation of professionals in the sport & innovation industry

- Support collaboration between University faculties to enable high-quality sport sciences education

- Academic Performance of Student-Athletes



- Business of sport: the link between academia and the sport industry

- Business opportunities and entrepreneurship in Sport & Innovation

- Innovation, entrepreneurship and start up creation through university sport

- Regional Cluster of Innovation, investments and business development in the sport sector

- Case studies of successful sport-related start ups

- New job profiles and career paths

- Innovative initiatives from the world of business in order to offer a position to athletes during their career and educating them for a further career

- Innovative marketing & communication strategies for universities based on sport


Accepted papes and posters will be published as a CEUR proceeding. Selected papers will be invited to resubmit for a special issue on an international journal.


Please also note the deadlines:

- Extended Abstracts submission: 30 September 2013

- Notification: October 30, 2013

- Registration: October 1, 2013 - November 15, 2013

- Late/on site Registration: November 15, 2013 - December 9, 2013


For details, please see and/or

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