Winter Universiade 2013

Winter Universiade 2013
On Friday March 16th, 2012 the International University Sports Federation (FISU) confirmed the new location and date of the 26th Winter Universiade 2013.
After the removal of the rights from Maribor to host the 2013 Winter Universiade as its Organizing Committee had been facing severe difficulties, the Winter Universiade will be hosted in Trentino, Italy.

Italian Dolomites
As it would not be possible to stage the Winter Universiade in the initially scheduled dates due to the short time for preparation, the new dates have been chosen from December 11th to 21st, 2013. FISU Executive Committee, which will meet in Kazan in May, still needs to confirm the new dates.
The participation fees will remain the same and accommodation will be arranged in local hotels of the region. The competition program will consist of the full program with speed skating as an optional sport. Further information on the 2013 games in Trentino will be available shortly at

Eric Saintrond, FISU Secretary General
FISU Secretary General Mr Eric Saintrond commented: ‘We are extremely happy with this outcome. Trentino has all venues in place and has great experience in hosting snow and ice sport events. Of course FISU will provide this substitute host with the needed support to stage a wonderful event for the participants. We owe this to our student-athletes. It also shows the strength of our organization and the FISU Family, securing continuity of our Games in a moment of crisis.
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