Winter Student Sport Event in Slovenia

Winter Student Sport Event in Slovenia

Past weekend, Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA), together with its partners organised the National University Championships in Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding. Although technically in spring already, the championships were organised as part of the Winter Festival of Student Sports, also known as the Snow Party.


Snowboarding competition


The competitions took place on Friday, March 25 on Rogla, one of the venues of the Winter Universiade 2013. First, the Alpine skiers competed, followed by the snowboarders; both challenging each other in giant slalom. The champions have directly qualified to take part in the 26th Winter Universiade in Maribor, Slovenia.


Mr Otmar Kugovnik, SUSA President and EUSA EC Member

The awards and medals were presented by the President of the Slovenian University Sports Association and EUSA Executive Committee Member prof. dr. Otmar Kugovnik, and the Mayor of Zrece, Mr. Boris Podvrsnik. In their short speeches, they both congratulated the participants for successfully combining their studies and sport, and wished them best of luck in both fields. Mr. Kugovnik also expressed his high hopes for the next edition of the Winter Universiade, coming to Slovenia in 2013, and invited the students to take part in this largest winter student sport event.


Prize drawing

Apart from the competitions, the event lived up to its name - the entertainment programme with stand-up comedy, prize draws, concerts, DJs and parties followed. The programme lasted until Sunday evening, as the event was linked to the Freestyle week, attended by snowboarders from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Austria and Germany.



Over 250 participating Slovenian students therefore awaited spring in the snow at the largest students’ winter event in the region this year.


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