What's up: Volunteering at European Universities Games 2016

What's up: Volunteering at European Universities Games 2016

The 3rd edition of European Universities Games 2016 in Zagreb and Rijeka hosted a record number of volunteers. In both cities more than 1000 enthusiastic people were helping to make the EUG2016 the greatest university sport event in Europe and leave a mark for the future.

Moreover, the Games gave a chance to 150 international volunteers to contribute to the event. In this month's What's Up column they shared with us their thoughts and experiences.

Joao Valente (POR)

For Joao Valente from Portugal, this is the second time to volunteer at the European Universities Games. He is a student of management and has been playing handball for 10 years, successfully combining sports and studying in his life.
"This year I was lucky to be on both sides of the Games, as a volunteer and as a player. Once again I had a great time being a volunteer because it is really rewarding to know that you are helping to make the best European Universities Games ever. Volunteers are giving the athletes the best conditions and support that they deserve, we all can see this effort and commitment and we appreciate it."

Mihaly Keszti (HUN)

Another international volunteer, Mihaly Keszti from Hungary, is a graduate in Sports Management and has been volunteering on many World and European Championships so far, but the first time on an university sport event.
"To compare it with other sport events that I have been volunteering at, the biggest difference is that fun is the core aspect of the Games. The diversity of athletes from different countries, different study fields and different disciplines makes the event gorgeous. I expected to meet with a lot of people who share the same values as I do, and who like to work for sport events. From the other hand, as a graduate sport management student I was interested in the details as well. I studied a lot about theory of sport events and it is a big opportunity to see from inside how it works in the reality, to learn more and to develop in this field."

Iva Hrelja (CRO)

Last but not least, we have Iva Hrelja from Croatia. EUG 2016 was the first international event she volunteered at. She played really important role in coordinating volunteers' work and social activities program. As team leader of Volunteer Support she was in charge of making sure that the Volunteer Center is always a fun and easy going place for volunteers to be. "We also try to resolve any difficulties the volunteers might have or help out in emergency events. I was keeping track of the schedule and forced people to take a break when they go to "workaholic" mode (hahaha)."
She believes that idea of the Games is inspiring - it brings together people from all kinds of background, and the diversity is always the key to success.
Iva found out about the EUSA Volunteer Program and possibilities of volunteering abroad during EUG2016. "It is an opportunity to travel, meet new friends all around the world, gain new skills, have fun and grow as a person. What is a better way to do all that then to volunteer at a big sports event like European Universities Games? It would be impossible to organize the Games without the help of enthusiastic sport loving people, don't you think?"

EUSA and Student Commission are pleased to hear the positive feedbacks from all the volunteers of EUG 2016 and grateful for their commitment and hard work during three weeks of the Games.

We hope to see you all in the European Universities Championships next year and at the European Universities Games in Coimbra in 2018!

Katarzyna Czalej (POL)

The author Katarzyna Czalej is a member of the EUSA Student Commission and has been a part of the European Universities Games 2016 Organising Committee's team as EVS volunteer. She is a student of Finances at the University of Economics in Poznan.

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