What's Up: Personal story from Israel

What's Up: Personal story from Israel

My name is Keren Lavi. I live in Tel Aviv, Israel. Three years ago I began my journey as a student in Kibbutzim College, Tel Aviv. I entered the school of Physical Education; little did I know how it was going to change my life...


I think it was the first week of school when the head of the PE department called me into her office, "Keren did you hear about ASA Leadership Conference?" Actually I hadn't. That winter I participated for the first time in a student event, which took place in Eilat. Students from all over Israel came south to participate in the annual ASA (Academic Sport Association) winter games. 

Conference in Israel


It was like a sport's festival! I participated in the "Leadership in Sports Conference". This was a very special experience for me; 4 days filled with lectures, ODT (out -door training), made new friends, exchanging knowledge, and at the end we were asked to create a project that has to do with sports on our campuses.


This was the most complicated aspect of our mission, and also the most exciting. Going back to school, presenting our project, and getting people involved was also a significant point in my life. 

A few months later, the conference committee chose four students out of the participants to fly to the USA and participate in the NCAA Leadership Conference, I was chosen! The NCAA is a well- known academic sport association and it was an honour to be part in such a professional and well- organized conference. The mission for the four students who were chosen was to come back home and implement what experienced at the conference in Israel. 

Together with Prof. Tam from Ohalo College we started planning for the next conference. I learned a lot through that process, as well, although we had a lot of help from the students who had planned the conference the year before. It was important for us to place our own touch on it, and so we had the opportunity to add some of our ideas. 


After that conference I had the chance to go on another leadership conference. This time it was the FISU Conference. Students from all over the world came to speak about their love of sports, and how we can make sport a larger part of the academic life. 

At FISU Forum in Chinese Taipei

When I came back home from that conference I was so overwhelmed it felt like I wanted to go and change the world! It was important for me to pass on my experience to others and I became head of the organizing team for the leadership conference. Prof. Tam was my mentor on this journey. Coming back to the conference in Eilat for the third time was very special, especially because it felt that I have an added value from seeing what was happening around the globe.


I was also selected that year to the Student Commission of EUSA and that in itself is another column to write about.


So, if you are already reading this column I guess you have some interest in academic sports. My suggestion is to go ahead and do something about it, because the opportunities are endless!

The author Keren Levi is a Physical Education student from Tel Aviv, Israel.

Please see What's up! - Monthly Student Column for more articles by students from all over Europe!

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