What's up: How sport and volunteering can add value to your studies

What's up: How sport and volunteering can add value to your studies

Here to provide students from all over Europe with fantastic sporting experiences, one aspect the Student Commission of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) looks after is our international volunteers at EUSA events. Volunteering with EUSA is a great way to really diversify your sporting experiences, as well as, add value to that all important CV!

Bella Colafrancesco reports: I’m personally extremely passionate about the value students can gain from getting involved with volunteering and I find it so rewarding to know that the student commission can support the all of our fantastic volunteers. One of the reasons I decided to get involved with EUSA  is so that I could really impact the student experience and try to get as many students as possible involved with EUSA’s opportunities.

EUSA Volunteers at the European Universities Games Rotterdam 2014

Even though I believe taking part in other opportunities is important, I understand that students at University are there first and foremost to study. And it is important as an organisation that we respect this.  Nonetheless, getting involved with the EUSA Volunteer programme can have some fantastic benefits for your studies too!

I believe that main reason why some students might be reluctant to sign up to extra-curricular activities is because they may not see the benefit to their education. On the other hand, extra-curricular activities are great for graduate employability! They teach the skills that employers value which I think is forgotten, or not thought about sometimes.

Volunteering opportunities in EUSA await you!

The skills that are learnt are all transferable. Things like resilience, organisation, time management, communication and leadership can all be developed through the EUSA Volunteer Programme and it’s these attributes that employers are screaming out for from graduates!

So, students of Europe! What’s stopping you? Head to http://www.eusa.eu/projects/eusa-volunteer-programme to find out how you can volunteer at one of EUSA’s amazing events and gain a real life experience! The applications for most 2015 EUSA events close on June 15.

Bella Colafrancesco

Isabella – Bella Colafrancesco has been a member of the EUSA Student Commission since November 2014 and currently serves as the Vice Chair. She is a student at the University of Hertfordshire where she is the Vice President Student Activities in the Hertfordshire Students’ Union.

Are you a student with an opinion? We are looking for new contributors for our student column every month. Feel free to contact stc@eusa.eu to offer a piece or propose a topic.

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