What's up: Getting to know European recipients of the FISU Scholarship

What's up: Getting to know European recipients of the FISU Scholarship

Last year the International University Sports Federation (FISU) attributed a special scholarship to two student athletes from Europe – archer Toja Cerne-Ellison from Slovenia and gymnast Fabian Hambuechen from Germany, both endorsed by the European University Sports Association (EUSA).

Both student athletes won medals at the last Summer Universiade in Gwangju, have several medals at European and World Championships, and are successfully combining their academic and sports careers. Fabian also won a gold medal at the recent Olympic Games in Rio. EUSA Projects and Communications Manager Mr Andrej Pisl who is also secretary of the Student Commission was in contact with both athletes from the nomination onwards, and caught them for an interview - Fabian while in Spain for a TV show and Toja while in Ireland for a World Championship.

You are a top level athletes and studying at university. How important is your education to you?
Fabian: Education means a lot to me - I'm a gymnast and not a football player. So I cannot live from my sport and need to go on in life. And still I want to learn new things to get myself further and to get a bigger Knowledge.
Toja: My education is very important for me. I finished all my exams this year and now I am writing my thesis. I am hoping to graduate in December.

Toja Černe Ellison

How do you balance your study obligations with sports trainings and competitions?
Toja: it is not always easy to balance my sport with studying but I am really trying my best to do both of them well. Always when I had my exams I put more time into studying. And after that more into shooting my bow.
Fabian: I'm studying at the sports Science University of Cologne and they support me a lot. They help me to have a good schedule and to have exams at the right time. Still I need to be disciplined and focused on my studies.

Fabian Hambüchen

Fabian, how did the preparations for the Olympics affect your studies?
Fabian: Well, I just did a few classes so that I had enough Time for my training. I talked to my teachers and they made it possible for me to do my exams before I left to camp. But I had a good time at the university before the Olympics because it helped me to have a clean mind and not being focused too much on gymnastics.

Toja Cerne Ellison

Was your university helpful and understanding in the process in preparing for major sports events? Do you feel they your colleagues and fellow competitors share the same support?
Fabian: Yes, they help and support me a lot - I really do appreciate it and they treat everyone that way - it's great to have people like that. It would not have been possible without them.
Toja: Yes my university was extremely understanding and supportive. I am so happy and thankful for this. Without them I would never be where I am today. And I really hope that they know that. They were always willing to find time for me so I could finish my school. Thank you University of Ljubljana and Faculty of Sport!

Fabian Hambuechen

How would you compare international university sports competitions (like the Universiade) with the Olympics - what are the most relevant similarities and differences in your opinion?
Fabian: It's great to live in a village together with thousands of athletes at the Olympics and at the Universiade. I loved to get in touch with so many nice people. The atmosphere is not exactly the same - at the Olympics, the expectations are higher and the pressure of the media and staff is pretty hard. At the Universiade, the athletes love to be there, enjoy every second and want to have a great time. It's a little bit more relaxed but still a high level competition and everyone is giving their best.
Toja: For now I can't shoot at the Olympic Games yet because I am shooting compound bow that is not on the programme of the Olympics. So the Universiade was my first such event and it was awesome to share this experience with not just archery people but also with others. I met a lot of new people and I really enjoyed it. Also being able to compete not only for my country but also for my faculty was great. Other than that we had the same format of competition than we always have when I complete internationally.

Toja winning silver at the 2015 Universiade

You and your achievements have been internationally recognised; you have both been recipients of the FISU Scholarship for the past academic year, and Fabian also the title of most successful athlete in the past year by FISU - how important are these recognitions for you?
Toja: I am honoured with this scholarship. It definitely helps me be successful and compete more. Support of other people means a lot to me and also makes a doing what I am doing a lot more fun. It always makes me happy when a person comes to me and says: “Because of you I am shooting compound.” This kind of words are nice to here. So yes recognition is good but also a lot of work to make all the fans happy.
Fabian: These recognitions are just wonderful and I really appreciate it. It gives you a lot back for what you were investing your whole life. It makes it all worth it and it's nice to see people recognise the effort and hard work.

Fabian won Gold at the Rio Olympics

Fabian - you won GOLD medal at the Rio Olympics! Our sincere congratulations! What are your future plans now?
Fabian: Thanks - my future plans are not fix yet but first of all, I want to finish my studies as soon as possible. Beside that I'm going to work together with my agent to support other gymnasts and to stay into gymnastics even if I'm retired. My dad is going to retire in 2020 - maybe I will overtake his job and will become a coach and sports scientist. But we will see.


What would you recommend universities and organisations should promote in university sport - sports for all, dual careers, or both?
Toja: I think dual careers are definitely possible with help of universities maybe some more online programs. So athletes could do their school work while they travel, compete or train. But I also think sport for all should be promoted. I can tell for myself that working out for at least 30 minutes a day makes me a better, happier person.
Fabian: I think that all Universities around the world should offer a special programme for athletes. It would be a great help for each person and makes the University Sports more popular. The reputation of University Sports is still not that serious because nobody is watching and broadcasting university competitions - but if Universities would promote their athletes programs a bit more and show the world what it is about, then we have a chance to get more attention of everyone.


Any closing remarks for your fans and followers?
Fabian: Thanks to everyone for the Support during my whole career - I really do appreciate it and please help me to make University Sports more common out there to get the recognition it deserved.
Toja: To my fans, and all the people that support me: THANK YOU!!! Without you being where I am wouldn't be possible. And thank you for my FISU scholarship - I am honoured that I was able to receive it. It definitely helped me become a better archer.

EUSA congratulates both student athletes, thanks them for their time and wishes them successful completions of their studies and lots of sports and other achievements to come!

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