What's up: European Union House in Ljubljana

In this month’s What’s up student column EUSA European Solidarity Corps volunteers: Heloise, Emanuele, Marta and Jennifer are sharing their opinions on the visit of the European Union House in Ljubljana, the upcoming elections, and the opportunities that the EU offers.
During the visit, they learned how the European Union works and what functions each EU institution performs. Moreover, they had the opportunity to hear the stories of people from various European countries and learn about initiatives undertaken in different European cities. An important part of the visit was also getting to know the members of the European Parliament who are currently part of it, as well as learning more about the upcoming elections that will take place in June next year.
In my opinion, the upcoming European Parliament elections are a crucial moment for young people to shape the direction of the European Union. It's not just about choosing representatives; it's about deciding the policies and priorities that will directly impact the lives of our generation. Being part of the European Union is like being part of a collaborative space where the diverse voices of various nations are acknowledged. As a young person, this gives me the chance to contribute to decisions affecting education, job opportunities, and environmental policies that extend beyond national borders. The EU promotes a feeling of unity by presenting chances for cultural exchange, participation in programs like Erasmus or the European Solidarity Corps, and the freedom to work and travel effortlessly within member states. Personally, I feel very grateful for all the opportunities given by the EU - thanks to them, I was able to be a part of a few youth exchanges and training courses, live in Madrid for 6 months during my Erasmus studies, work for a few months in Seville, spend a month volunteering in Turkey, and now here in Slovenia. Essentially, getting involved in these elections allows me to play a role in shaping my own future in a world that's interconnected on a global scale.
I am very grateful to the European Union for all the opportunities it has been giving to me as a young citizen. I am currently here in Ljubljana volunteering under the European Solidarity Corps program where I will remain 1 year, but I have also participated in Erasmus for study several times and receive fundings from EU to support my studies abroad. I have made two internships with the Erasmus+ traineeship program and, last but not least, I have participated in some youth exchanges and team volunteering. All these experiences made me feel truly European, because I had the chance to discover more about other European countries, to meet people from all over the world and to embrace European values of inclusion, equality and freedom. I feel I grew (and I am still growing) as a person thanks to Europe, I feel I am discovering myself everyday and most of all I feel I have a lot of possibilities in my life because I live here, even if there are challenges ahead and the future is always uncertain. Visiting the European House in Ljubljana was a great way to understand better how the EU institutions work, thanks to the intuitive and interactive multimedia contents present in the room, but also to see the faces of people that are working everyday to make Europe working for its citizens and to make Europe better everyday. It was nice to hear stories of normal people from all over Europe, I think it’s a great way to remember that Europe is made of people, that Europe is our house and that as citizens we have to and we can do our best to take care of it. I hope I can do my little part being an ESC volunteer.
Visiting the European Union House in Ljubljana was an informative and a slightly mournful experience as a Scottish citizen. Looking at all the commissioners and MEPs listed on the screens and feeling the sense of unity between all the nations represented, left me with a bittersweet feeling; of appreciation of the unity and a sadness that I was no longer a part of it as a citizen. The part of the experience I was most touched by was hearing the stories shared by civilians in different parts of Europe; farmers, business owners, teachers, young people, health professionals and so many others. Their stories touched on health care, farming, education, food quality standards and cultural heritage and the impact of the EU. The thing that struck me as the most valuable asset of the European Union, is that these topics are being discussed by so many different nations and that many different voices, with different needs, are included and heard. The opportunity, created by the formation of the EU, for people to come together to discuss and listen to each other on beliefs, needs and ideas, is so important. I believe that shared human experience and interaction is what can make the world a better place and the EU strives to do that through the unity it has formed. As a collective, the world's most challenging problems can be tackled. I am grateful for the opportunity the European Solidarity Corps has provided me to live and work in another country, meet new people and experience a different culture. I hope that the future will bring more opportunities for the Scottish youth so that they can become more cultured and experience some of the best things the world has to offer.
For me, it’s a real opportunity to be in the European Union. Without it, it would have been impossible for me to live in Slovenia for a year, especially thanks to the European Solidarity Corps program. It’s a chance to discover other countries and the possibility to move easily. Moreover, it helps to develop an open-minded perspective. But beyond this practical aspect, I find it important to unite countries into a powerful entity that can help each other and resolve international issues. We don't have the same visions and experiences, and it's this diversity that, to me, is a strength. For example, in terms of environmental issues, where thanks to European regulations, many countries follow the same path to reduce their environmental impact. The European Union sends a strong message in my opinion: the proof to be at peace and form a significant institution despite the vast cultural diversities and different histories of each country is possible.
About the House of Europe, this visit was very instructive to me, to let me understand better on the operation of the European Union with these 3 institutions, especially to understand for which institution we will vote in a few months. It was better for me to understand my role as a citizen in these organisation.During this visit I found it interesting to see the direct impact of the European Union across her law, her subventions on the European citizens. During this visit I found it interesting to see the direct impact of the European Union across her law, her subventions on the European citizens thanks to the different testimonies of citizens.
Are you a student with an opinion? We are looking for new contributors for our student column every month. Feel free to contact stc@eusa.eu to offer a piece or propose a topic.