What's Up: Creating a Sports Club

What's Up: Creating a Sports Club

Sport is a past time which should be open to everyone regardless of your social background. Every country has a national sport and the so called ‘favourite’ sports but this is not to say that sports which are not so popular cannot be enjoyed. University is a great place to create a sport or to enjoy an activity which has not be widely available to you in the past!


Many Universities have over forty sports clubs with the larger Universities boasting an impressive sixty different sport clubs; however in some rare occurrences there may not be your chosen sport available, so why not start it yourself - There is a high chance if you want to do it then other people out there want to do it too! 

Christopher Purdie - Effective planning is key


So if you are interested in starting a new sports club at your University why you don’t. Here are some quick tips into getting started:


1. Create an interest

To start a club there needs o be an interest from the student population. Use Social Media to your advantage and create a page or an event somewhere in your University and get the support you need. Social Media is easy to use, can be circulated easy and most importantly is free. Most Universities will offer you space or even free time on sports facilities to help you get started!


2. Approach your Sports Union and Sports Department

This is what your Sports Union’s and Sports Departments are here to do-assist students and make sure everyone makes the most of their time at University! The Sports Department and Sports Union will have both staff and students who are well trained and experienced to make sure you get the support you need to help you get started. 


3. Approach National Governing Bodies

Many National Governing bodies have schemes and new initiatives which can help aid and support new members and individuals to start up a sport club. This could be in the form of verbal or written advice or even in some cases financial support. 


4. Speak to other Clubs

A great way of developing a sport or team is to share best practice! Speak to others and never be afraid to accept help. Certain principals can be applied to all sports and clubs- so don’t be scared to copy other successful tactics.


5. Never lose sight of your goal and imitative

While trying to create a new club you may encounter certain issues which may dishearten you. Don’t give up and make sure you work together as part of team, have effective planning and make sure you all share the same goals and objectives!


Team work always makes the work easier!


If you would like more information about how to set up a club at your University please feel free to contact the Student Commission at EUSA at stc@eusa.eu where we will be on hand to give any advice and support.


The author Christopher Purdie is a member of the EUSA Student Commission and a student of the University of Stirling.

Please see What's up! - Monthly Student Column for more articles coming from students from all over Europe!

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