What's up: A change-driven approach

What's up: A change-driven approach

Another year is quickly coming to an end! As always it is a time not only to happily review what we achieved at the personal level, our goals and ambitions, but also to evaluate our performance at the institutional level, at our organizations, within our role in the society.

The New Year is a season where we look back on all that we lived and experienced and set forth new goals, ambitions and perspectives. It is a time to renew vows and commitments with new and fresh perspectives and ideas. Most of all, it is a time to look at the uncertainty of the future with hope and belief in the best.

The Students Commission of the European Universities Sports Association is no exception to this process as we experience a yearly process of renewal of our members. This year I’ll be finishing my term at the STC together with some of my colleagues, while other students from Europe will take our place in pursuit of the development of the University Sports Movement.

EUSA STC Chair and member at the EUSA Conference 2015

This constant change, although usual at the Student’s Organizations, it quite fast for the standardized traditional organizational. Faces and names change, year after year, bringing different realities and perspectives from students from all over Europe. However, even though all those changes, the goals and ambitions are always the same: to promote more and better sports for Students all over Europe and to promote a true learning experience through Sports!

I do believe that this constant change is far more beneficial than most people think. From experience I’ve seen the richness of different ideas, the refreshed motivation year after year, the new perspectives and out of the box thinking from different cultures, and the added effort brought on by the responsibility of knowing that as students, what we achieve can only be strong if we not only build on what was done before us, but if we also build something to leave for others.

With the New Year getting close it is time to look back and evaluate what we all achieved as students. We have the strongest student participation within University Sports Continental Associations, we have strong and participated projects like the Volunteer Program, we have developed partnerships with external organizations and we have a strong support, respect and cooperation from the EUSA Executive Committee Members. For all that support I would like to thank especially the President of EUSA, Mr Adam Roczek.

Bruno Barracosa was also the former Chair of FADU

Also, for all that we accomplished I would like to thank all the past members of the STC for being part of this amazing family: you all made it possible!

To the future members, and to this year STC led by Isabella Colafrancesco I wish the best, hoping that they will keeping contributing to this constants and evolving change!

The author is the outgoing Chair of the EUSA Student Commission Bruno Barracosa is a student at the University of Lisbon - Technical Superior Institute.

Are you a student with an opinion? We are looking for new contributors for our student column every month. Feel free to contact stc@eusa.eu to offer a piece or propose a topic.

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