What’s Up: Student involvement in WUG 2025

What’s Up: Student involvement in WUG 2025

In this month’s What’s Up Student Column, German University Sports Federation board member and student Joshua Miehtke discusses the role of students ahead of the FISU World University Games 2025 in Germany.

“It was a big release,” says Joshua following FISU’s recent announcement that the World University Games (WUG) 2025 will take place in Germany. “It was a tough time, especially during the Coronavirus pandemic. But finally we got the support of the federal and national politicians.”

Over the last three years, ADH’s members, board, commissions and volunteers discussed bidding process possibilities and the fundamental aspects of WUG 2025. The athletes and officials won’t live in a WUG-village and the venues will be spread out over the Rhein-Ruhr area. This decentralised approach was a key factor in making people support the event. “We don’t want to organise an event that is as big as possible. The approach is to focus on the athletes and their needs during the Games. In addition, sustainability is a very important factor of the event. For the WUG 2025, we don’t need to build any new sports venues,” says Joshua about ADH’s approach.

Joshua Miehtke

He further points out that students are the main target group of the event, hence students were involved in the bidding process to share their points of view. Before he was elected onto the board, Joshua worked in a WUG-commission together with other ADH-volunteers to bring the bidding process steps further along, and after his election, he still continued with this work. With the WUG, he connects development goals for the national university sport as well. “We want to use the WUG 2025 to boost university sport. It’s our goal to involve as many students, universities, employees and athletes as possible, hence we think about the potential of the national German university championships to spread the WUG 2025 spirit all over the country.”

In four years’ time, Germany will welcome student-athletes from all over the world. Joshua, who studies at the University of Hagen and works in the university sport department of the University of Potsdam, hopes that many European students will come and watch the Games.

German students involved in WUG 2025

“To all European students, apply as a volunteer and experience the WUG 2025 here in Germany. And to all European students who can compete at the WUG, practice hard and we are looking forward to welcome you here.”

Are you a student with an opinion? We are looking for new contributors for our student column every month. Feel free to contact stc@eusa.eu to offer a piece or propose a topic.

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