Website update

Website update
Regular visitors to this website have probably noticed a substantial change in the design of the website. We added new functionalities, completely re-did the design and layout, while still trying to preserve some of the old website structure. But since changes can be frustrating, we are giving you some guidelines to help you ease the transition.
If you are looking for a specific information, we suggest you use the search function (also accessible to your left) which will definitely be quickest way to find specific content.

The navigation menu on your top-left will guide you through content. Some menu items have sub-menues which appear when you move the mouse or other pointing device over them. Even if your browser does not support dynamic menues, or you are not using a pointing device, you will still be able to access all content.

Sheme of the new website (Sitemap):
  • News Archive
  • Newsletter
  • About EUSA
  • Executive Board
  • Commissions
  • 2007
  • 2006
  • 2005
  • 2004
  • 2003
  • 2002
  • General Assemblies
  • Seminars
  • Symposiums
  • EUC Regulations
  • Forms
  • Logo
  • Statutes
  • Technical Regulations
Event Calendar
Photo Gallery
Web Links
Contact Us

All changes may not yet been fully completed, so the old website will still be accessible for a while. Please note, however, that only the new website will be updated.

A new internal area will also be implemented soon; members will be notified about this. Members are also kindly asked to review the member information, and also provide us with the pictures from previous European University Championships you have organised. You can expect details about this in your email.

All comments and suggestions are welcome - please use the contact form or email us with your feedback.
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