Volunteering at European Universities Games

Volunteering at European Universities Games

Dou you like sports, want to gain experience in organising sports events, look for an alternative way to spend a few weeks this summer and have some fun at the same time?


European University Sports Association (EUSA), in cooperation with its Student Commission (EUSA STC) and the Organising Committees of the European Universities Sports Championships and European Universities Games, is offering students from Europe a unique opportunity of actively participating in the organisation of EUSA events as volunteers.


In 2014, students can participate as supporting organisers of the European Universities Games in Rotterdam (also known as EUSA Games or EUGames).


European Universities Games 2014


You may register at http://volunteers.eusa.eu; the deadline is  end of February. You will be notified about your selection latest a month after the application deadline.


The exact application deadlines are as follows:

February 28: Deadline for registration

March 31: Notification of selected candidates

April 15: Confirmation deadline by the selected candidates


In the frame of the Volunteer Program, full board is provided during the time of the event (and training), with transfer from the official airport/station covered; volunteers only have to ensure their travel costs to the event.

Volunteers from previous EUSA sports events


In the Volunteer Program 2014 there are 40 open places for the duration of the European Universities Games. Only those with academic eligibility in European institutes of higher education can apply (students or graduates). The application form is available online at http://volunteers.eusa.eu. The applicants will get a diploma after participation in the program. 



Alernatively, individuals livind and/or studying in Rotterdam or its vicinity may also apply directly to the organisers, where a larger group of volunteers will be selected. Please see their website for the terms and more details of the Volunteer Opportunities in Rotterdam.


More information about EUSA Volunteer Programme: http://www.eusa.eu/en/projects/volunteers

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