Volleyball Championship's preparations

Volleyball Championship's preparations

The Organising Committee of the 12th European Universities Volleyball Championship is very busy these days with the preparations for the event. 


The organisers and EUSA are working hard to ensure a quality event, despite the economic difficulties Cyprus is facing right now.

Mr Krashias, Mr Chatzidamianou and Mr Foerster.jpg


EUSA Technical Delegate for Volelyball Mr Jörg Förster visited Nicosia in the beginning of March for the inspection visit of the sports facilities, accommodation and the general overview of the event and the preparations for it.


Mr Forster and Mr Krashias, the President of the Organising Committee also met with Mr Kyriazis, President of Sport Council at University of Cyprus and the President of the Cyprus Volleyball Federation Mr Chatzidamianou, to discuss practical and technical matters related to the championship.

Hilton hotel will house the participants


Both accommodation and sports facilities are bound to offer top quality service and assure high standards; the participants will be accommodated at the Hilton Park Hotel Nicosia.

University of Cyprus Athletic Center


Three sports halls are foreseen for the competitions and practice – the University of Cyprus Athletic Center, Tassos Papadopoulos Eleftheria Stadium and Sports Hall Lefkotheo.

Volleyball courts


The European Universities Volleyball Championship will be organised in Nicosia, Cyprus between June 23 and 30, 2013. For more information, please visit the official website of the event www.volleyball2013.eusa.eu.

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