VOICE Forum in Slovenia

VOICE Forum in Slovenia

EU-funded project Voices for truth and dignity (VOICE) is entering its last stages. On April 5, a national forum on sexual harassment and violence was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, as one of the last events before the final conference in May.

Hosted by the University of Ljubljana, the forum started with the welcome speeches by the Dean of the Faculty of Sport at the University of Ljubljana and EUSA Executive Committee Member Mr Milan Zvan, followed by the Director of the Directorate for Sport at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport Mr Boro Strumbelj.

Welcome speeches

The topic of sexual harassment and violence in sport, focusing on the situation in Slovenia, was presented by Ms Mojca Doupona Topic, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Sport and lead researcher for Slovenia in the VOICE project.

Ms Mojca Doupona Topic

Mr Mike Hartill from the Edge Hill University presented child sexual exploitation in sport, media coverage of the topic and the implementation of the VOICE project in United Kingdom. Ms Simona Kustec Lipicer from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana concluded the plenary part, presenting possibilities of prevention and sanctioning in legislation.

Mr Mike Hartill

At the round table, Ms Doupona Topic and Mr Hartill were joined by two Slovenian ambassadors of the project - judoka Ms Rasa Sraka Vukovic and handball player Ms Misa Marincek, speaking about the importance of establishing safer sports environments.

Slovenian ambassadors

The event concluded with a series of workshops, at which the participants actively contributed in creating a national action plan. Besides Mr Zvan, European University Sports Association (EUSA) was represented at the event also by its Communications and Projects Manager Mr Andrej Pisl, EVS volunteers Ms Marianna Pikul and Mr Nenad Ruzic.

Workshop participants

Funded by the Erasmus+ of the European Union, VOICE project focuses on combating sexual violence and harassment in European sport through research and by listening to voices of those affected, promoting safe sporting environments and freedom from harassment, violence, exploitation and abuse.

Funded by Erasmus+

The project kicked off in 2016, and will conclude in May this year with the final conference on May 4-5 in Bergisch Gladbach near Cologne, Germany. At the conference, the outcomes of the project will be presented, namely the research with personal stories and launching educational tools and resource material. The project is led by German Sport University Cologne, partnered by seven other universities – Edge Hill University (GBR), University of Ljubljana (SLO), University of Southern Denmark (DEN), University of Vienna (AUT), University of Antwerp and Thomas More College (BEL), University of Vic (ESP) and sports organisations – European University Sports Association (EUSA), Youth section of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO Youth), European Paralympic Committee (EPC) and the European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF).

More information: www.voicesfortruthanddignity.eu

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