VOICE developing educational tools for safeguarding sport

VOICE developing educational tools for safeguarding sport

Within the European project VOICE which focuses on combating sexual violence and harassment in sport, the educational tools are being developed, after the interviews of the survivors and the national forums have been carried out across Europe.

The European VOICE Workshop took place between September 25 and 29 in Cologne and included preliminary analysis of the project, the research with interviews, national forums and partners' involvement. The participants were also joined by survivors of sexual violence and abuse in sport, which made the experience very personal and emotional.

After the European workshop, the partners started developing the educational materials. From its origins, the project has worked closely with those who have been subjected to sexual violence in sport. The views of those with lived experience were integral to the workshop, and the materials being developed, draw from these experiences.

The final conference, scheduled in 2018 on May 4 and 5, will present the project in full: the insights from research, including the process of conducting such a unique project, and the educational resources. All underpinned by a strong motivation to share knowledge and make sports, in all countries, safer for our children and young people and free from sexual violence, exploitation and abuse.

The project, lead by German Sport University Cologne, promotes safe sporting environments and freedom from harassment, violence, exploitation and abuse through research and by listening to voices of those affected. European University Sports Association (EUSA) is one of the sports partners in the project. Participants of this year's EUSA Conference also had a chance to get to know more information about the VOICE project during the event, and EUSA remains committed to safeguarding sport also in the future.

EUSA promotes sport free of sexual violence and harrasment

Project consortium is still looking for organisations to support the initiative and activities, as well as individuals affected by sexual violence or abuse in the context of sport or physical education. We encourage you to contact us if you have been affected, or know somebody who has been. We especially invite individuals living in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom (project partner countries) to contact the researchers in these countries, helping us share the story and conduct a European research study. All contacts are strictly confidential and identity of participants taking part in a research interview is protected.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

VOICE project is funded through the EU Erasmus+ programme, under collaborative partnerships in sport. For more information, please see www.voicesfortruthanddignity.eu and also check out the October newsletter.

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