University sports magazine published in SLO

University sports magazine published in SLO

Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA) published the latest edition of its annual magazine Zdrava zabava (Healthy fun) in December. The magazine focuses on student sport on Slovenian, European and International level, and is distributed free of charge at the institutions of higher education in Slovenia, SUSA member associations, university sports facilities, libraries and other points of interest. The publication is also available online in electronic form.


Magazine Zdrava zabava (Healthy fun)


The 11th edition of the magazine has Matej Dobovsek on the cover; a multi-medallist at the 2011 Winter Universiade in Erzurum and one of the recipients of the FISU Scholarship for the current academic year.



The magazine otherwise reports on the events carried out in 2011 where Slovenian students successfully participated, including Universiades, European Universities Championships, National University Championships and Student sport festivals. In 2011, SUSA organised the 2nd European Universities Golf Championship in Otocec, Slovenia, and there is also an article about this event. Apart from the reports, SUSA member federations and their activities are presented, inviting students pursuing their studies in Slovenia, to get involved in leisure and competitive sports activities.


Inviting volunteers for the Universiade Maribor 2013

Activities and involvement of SUSA in the European Anti-Doping Initiative (EADIn) are presented in a special article and (prevention of the) sexually transmitted diseases explained in another one. And to conclude, SUSA and the Organisers of the next Universiade prepared an interesting article on the importance of volunteers at the upcoming 26th Winter Universiade, to take place in Maribor January 1 – February 9, 2013.

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