University Sports Gala in Portugal

University Sports Gala in Portugal

On October 9, the Portuguese Academic University Sports Federation (FADU) organized the 5th edition of the University Sports Gala. It was, once again, the stage for the recognition of those who stood out in the previous season - 2011/2012.


This was definitely the year of Futsal, which won all the categories of the awards “Best of the Year”. From Coimbra Student’s Union, Sara Fatia, Best EUSA GAMES scorer and player and WUC bronze medalist, and her Futsal team, Vice European Champion, received the award for Best Female Athlete and Best Female Team. 

Best female athlete Ms Fatia


The awards for Best Coach, Male Athlete and Male Team gone to University of Minho Student’s Union. The awards were attributed to Pedro Palas, Coach of the male team and second coach of the bronze medalist Portuguese university male team, to Amílcar Gomes, the best male player on EUSA GAMES and Best 5 in the WUC, and to the Minho’s Futsal team that were silver medalists in Córdoba, Spain.

University of Minho male futsal team


University of Minho also received a tribute to thank the organization of the 2nd EUC Taekwondo 2011, the Finals of the Portuguese University Championships 2012, the 13th Futsal World University Championship and the 12th Chess World University Championship, between the cities of Braga and Guimarães. University of Beira Interior Student’s Union received the same tribute for the organization of the Portuguese University Championships on Individual Sports.

Mr Fernando Parente


FADU recognizes every year through the Prestige Award, entities or personalities for the effort and dedication to the university sport. This year, there were two winners. Fernando Parente, member of the EUSA Executive Committee and member of FISU CIC, received this award for the contribution over the years to the development of national and international university sports.

Mr Pedro Dias


Another happy coincidence for Futsal, with the other Prestige Award going to the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF), for the partnership established with FADU over the years. Pedro Dias, Director of FPF received this award.


At the premiere of the Ethics in University Sports Award, the National Youth Council (CNJ) won this award for the project “ComSUMOS Académicos” that prevent the harmful use of alcohol and promote sport and healthy lifestyle among the university students.

Ethics award: National Youth Council


For the second time, FADU handed the Trophy for Best University to the University of Porto, which had the best ranking in the Portuguese university championships.  During the awards ceremony, all medalists in international competitions were honored for their achievement of podium places in the European Universities Championships and in the World University Championships.

Best university: University of Porto


This year's University Sports Gala took place in Tentúgal. Among the 330 guests present attended the Secretary of State for Sport and Youth, Alexandre Mestre, the Secretary of State Assistant for Higher Education, Ricardo Morgado, as well as the President of the Portuguese Institute of Youth and Sports, Augusto Baganha. Paulo Ferreira, FISU WUC director and Fernando Parente, EUSA Executive Committee member, were also present.

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