University Sports Gala in Poland

University Sports Gala in Poland

For a few years now Polish University Sports Galas have become a traditional event summing up the achievements of the Polish University Sports Association (AZS), both in the field of high-level and student mass sports.


This time the Gala was hosted by the Poznan University Sports Association and it was staged in an impressive lecture and conference venue of the Poznan University of Technology which was only raised a few years ago on the bank of the Warta River. 

Gala awards recipients


The hosts of the event were Prof. Marek Rocki, President of the Polish University Sports Association, Prof. Tomasz Lodygowski, Rector of the Poznan University of Technology and Tomasz Szponder, president of the Poznan University Sports Association.


The Gala summed up the work of the whole Polish University Sports Association in the last academic year. Over 300 people, representatives of all centres of university sport in Poland could applaud best of the best, i.e. the heroes of this year’s Olympic Games, University World Championships, European Universities Games and Polish Universities Championship.

Student Olympian Ms Karolina Naja


Karolina Naja, women’s kayak of AZS AWF Gorzow Wielkopolski club and bronze medalist of the 2012 London Olympic Games was warmly applauded. Unfortunately, Tomasz Majewski of AZS AWF Warszawa club and men’s shot put gold medalist of the London Olympic Games could not join the ceremony in Poznan, but  the coaches of both our medalist were present. Marek Zachara, coach of AZS AWF Gorzow Wielkopolski club and Henryk Olszewski, coach of AZS AWF Warszawa club both received  the Eugeniusz Piasecki Award (awarded each year to best coaches from universities).


The Gala was also an occasion to thank the Poznan Olympic medalists associated with the AZS Poznan. A special prize for five Olympic Games participations was awarded to men’s hammer throw Szymon Ziolkowski (gold medalist from the Sydney Games in 2000), while women’s discus throw Zaneta Glanc was honored with the Bronislaw Czech Medal for “Outstanding Sport Achievement”.


Afterwards the stage was given to numerous University World Championships athletes who won 38 medals in the events held so far this year. Then Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President, EUSA President, awarded the Polish team medalist from the European Universities Games in Cordoba.


The Gala event also gave an opportunity to summarize the 60-year activity of physical education and sport centres operating at Polish universities. On this occasion the Ministry of Sport and Tourism distinguished 30 employees of these centres with “Sport merits” badges. 

Awards presented at the Gala


The third part of the Gala was devoted to summing up the last Polish University Championships in which over 15,000 athletes participated and 175 university and colleges were classified. The best of them (in general ratings, type of university classification and medal classification)  were awarded and the rectors, presidents of AZS clubs and heads of physical education and sport centres appeared on stage to receive the awards. This year, for the fourth time in a row, The University of Warsaw topped the rank (classification of best universities is attached). The final ranking includes 30 best results of each university in 41 sport disciplines. Top universities in this classification took part in European Universities Games and won medals there, and for this achievement they were also distinguished during the Poznan Gala. 

AZS President awarding scholarship recipient Mr Kacper Czarnota


The best organizer of Polish University Championship was also honoured: KU AZS UE Katowice for organizing the chess competition. Two individual prizes were awarded to two Posnanians: “The Gold Pen” award for student –journalist to Anna Celmer and the Eugeniusz Pietrasik Scholarship for student-activist to Kacper Czarnota. 


The concert of Malgorzata Ostrowska added splendour to the event and the artist’s enthusiasm and energy made some guests dance during the concert. 

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