University Sports Conference in Cuba

University Sports Conference in Cuba

On October 8th, at the University of Oriente of the city of Santiago de Cuba started the 1st conference on the International University Sport organised in Cuba. This event is organised under the umbrella of the Pan-American University Sport Organisation (ODUPA) which is a FISU Associate Member. The participants were welcomed by Mrs. Luisa Villafruela Loperena, Director of the International Relations Department of the University, followed by Mr. Stefan Bergh, FISU Vice-President and Mr. Julio Jakob, ODUPA President.


The academic session started by the presentation of Mr. Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA President with the subject: ‘Continental University Sport Organisations in their relation with FISU’. He explained that the needs of the different parts of the world are very different and the structures leading university sport as well. Therefore in conducting projects with FISU, all partners must be aware of these differences in evaluating and developing activities. He also spoke of the necessity to strengthen the co-ordination and the integration between the regional and the continental organizations. Finally he insisted that all organizations linked to FISU must work to make FISU stronger and better known worldwide and this important task can only be done by working together.


The last presention of the first day was made by José Balsinde, Secretary General of the University Sport Federation of Cuba and Member of the FISU International Control Committee. His speech was entitled: ‘Development of University Sport in Cuba’.
On October 9th, the delegates of the conference met with the Rector and the Vice-rector of the Universidad de Oriente for a presentation of the history and activities of the University.

Mr. Stefan Bergh, FISU Vice-President and CDSU Chair opened the session by a speech on “FISU Development Program: Roots, Strategies, Challenges”. He made an overview of the work started in 2001 and developed in 2003 with the Challenge 21 Group on the co-operation between FISU and the Continental and Regional Federations and the strategic plan and survey conducted inside of FISU.


The second person who spoke was Mr. Luciano Cabral, FISU Vice-President. He presented the situation of University sport in Latin America, focusing on the following aspects: the participation of the Latin-American countries in regional and world wide university sport events, the current difficulties and opportunities for future development.


Kolë Gjeloshaj, FISU Director of Educational and Development Services and Chief of Staff to the President presented the FISU structure and activities.


The last presentation of the day was entitled: “Women in the International University Sport – Situation, Barriers and Challenges” by FISU Assesor and Chair of the Women Committee Verena Burk.
Her conclusion was focusing on the few number of women present in high positions in the sport structures.


After the conclusions and the deliverance of diplomas to the international guests and speakers, a cultural program was offered to the participants.


The participants then attended the ceremony of the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the foundation of the University.


More information and photos can be found on

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