University Sports Activities in MNE

University Sports Activities in MNE

In organisation of the University Sports Federation of Montenegro, the Students Futsal League started this week in Montenegro. With participation of 16 faculty teams, the league is the biggest students competition in the country. The league will last until March 13, 2011. Soon after that, the Students Basketball League with 10 faculty teams and Students Volleyball League with 8 faculty teams participating will start. The three leagues will include 34 teams from all three universities and from almost all the faculties.


Last year's basketball league winners

University Sports Federation of Montenegro was active this year also on the international field, as it organised the 7th World University Karate Championship in Podgorica in July. With 311 competitors from 44 countries from all the continents, it was the biggest WUC Karate organized so far. The National University Team of Montenegro won four medals, two at individual and two at team competition.

World University Karate 2010 medallists

Mr. Boris Sekulic, the Secretary General of the University Sports Federation of Montenegro, said that the activities in the international field are now focused on preparations for participation on the Winter and Summer Universiade 2011 and European Universities Championships next year. Mr. Sekulic received this year a great recognition for his work in sports, as he was nominated as the Chef the Mission of the National Team at the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver.

Mr Sekulic as Chef the Mission at the Vancouver Olympics

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