University Sport Stars Gala 2014 in Russia

University Sport Stars Gala 2014 in Russia

On November 14, Russian Students Sport Union (RSSU), supported by the Presidential Executive Office, Moscow Government and Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation organized the second Gala “University Sport Stars” in the State Central Concert Hall Rossia. The first Galawas successfully organized last year in the State Kremlin Palace as a celebratory event in honor of 20th anniversary of RSSU.

On behalf of the Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Ivanov the Aid to the President of the Russia Federation Igor Levitin welcomed the guests and organizers of the Gala. Also the opening ceremony was attended by the President of the Russian Olympic Committee, member of the International Olympic Committee Alexander Zhukov, Secretary of State, Deputy Minister of Sport of the Russian Federation Natalya Parshikova, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Veniamin Kaganov, Head of the Department of Physical Fitness and Sport Alexei Vorobyov and First Vice-President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and the President of the Russian Students Sport Union Oleg Matytsin.

Alexander Tikhonov-Four-time Olympic champion in men's biathlon and Svetlana Zhurova - Olympic champion in speed skating

Guests at the Gala dinner became heads and representatives of national sports federations and sports clubs, the rector's community, legends of national sports, the Organizing Committee XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk, the best students - winners of the international and national students competitions.

Entertainment programme

In the festive atmosphere special prizes “Burevestnik” were awarded in 18 nominations to the best student-athletes and teams at the XXVI Winter Universiade and World University Championships, best universities at the 2nd European Universities Games in Rotterdam and All-Russian Winter and Summer Universiades 2014, National sports federation, state authorities, public organizations that have made significant contribution to development and promotion of the university sports in Russia.

Book and Burevestnik award

During the Gala Mr Matytsin also presented the book about the history of students sport dedicated to the memory of the first chairman of the Soviet Union Student Sports Society "Burevestnik", the former FISU First Vice-President Yury Parfenov and the first President of the Russian Students Sport Union Alexey Kiselev, who made a great contribution to the development and promotion of national university sports movement.

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