University sport seminar in Portugal

University sport seminar in Portugal

June 5th was when more than 250 people attended the University of Coimbra Auditorium to participate in the Seminar 'What is the Future for College and University Sports'. This event was organized by the Secretary of State for Sport and Youth (SEDJ) in partnership with the Portuguese Academic Federation of University Sports (FADU). It also had the institutional support of the Secretary of State for Higher Education, the Secretary of State for Elementary and Secondary Education, and the Portuguese Sports and Youth Institute.

The Opening Ceremony started with a speech by the Secretary of State for Sport and Youth, Alexandre Mestre, where he highlighted the importance of this theme for the Portuguese Government and the fact that there were many representatives from Academic, Sports and other relevant institutions, from Mayors, Parliament Members, etc.. This showed the importance of the theme to the Portuguese Society as well.

Opening ceremony of the seminar
Afterwards there were speeches made by the President of the University of Coimbra Student’s Union, Mr. Ricardo Morgado, followed by the representative of the Coordinating Council for Polytechnic Institutes, Mrs. Rita Santos Rocha, followed by the President of the Portuguese Universities Rectors Council, Mr. António Rendas, followed by the Secretary of State for Higher Education, Mr. João Queiró, and with a closing statement from the host, the Rector of the University of Coimbra, Mr. João Gabriel Silva.
During the morning the discussion was mainly focused on the future of College Sports, and included a debate with the participation of the Secretary of State for Elementary and Secondary Education, Mrs. Isabel Leite, that had the opportunity to explain the perspective of the Portuguese government for College Sports.

Participants of the seminar
The afternoon was reserved for the discussion about University Sports which included the presentations by the government, made by Mr. João Atanásio, Chief of Staff for the Secretary of State for Higher Education, followed by a speech made by FADU, in the person of Mr. Bruno Barracosa, President of FADU, and with a closing presentation based on an international perspective by Mr. Fernando Parente, Member of the Executive Committee of the European University Sports Association (EUSA).
For both themes there was time for discussion and questions from the audience who did not hesitate at all to ask questions to the speakers. Among many others, the Representatives of the Portuguese government, the national and international federations, the Universities representatives, Polytechnics and Elementary and Secondary Schools representatives, Sports Associations representatives, municipalities representatives, athletes and students, made up an interested audience.

FADU President Mr Bruno Barracosa
"This was undoubtedly a seminar that lived up to our expectations and serves as a starting point for a joint effort between the College and University Sports, to promote increased participation and lifelong physical activity habits with the goal of having a healthy life since young age", said Bruno Barracosa as a remark about this seminar.

(Photos by FADU)
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