University sport meetings in Rijeka

University sport meetings in Rijeka

On the invitation of the Rijeka University Sports Federation (RUSF), Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General attended the RUSF General Assembly which took place at the University of Rijeka on September 2, 2013.


On that occasion Mr Pecovnik firstly held a working meeting with Mr Haris Pavletic, RUSF President and EUSA EC member to discuss the topics connected to the organisation of the European Universities Bridge Championship 2013 to be organised by RUSF in Kraljevica this September, the European Universities Games to be held in Zagreb-Rijeka in 2016 as well as other topics connected to the future EUSA Events. Mr Marko Zunic, EUSA Technical Commission Vice President also attended a part of the meeting.

Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General


After the working meeting, Mr Pecovnik participated on the annual RUSF General Assembly. At the start of the assembly, the EUSA Secretary General addressed the delegates. Mr Pecovnik stressed that Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF) is one of the most active EUSA member federations, also because of the activity of RUSF as its member.

Voting at the RUSF Assembly

Rijeka hosted in the past three editions of the European Universities Championships, with two more to be organised in 2013 and 2015. In 2016, the European Universities Games will be organised here. "That is why I would like use this occasion and thank again the RUSF and its board leaded by President Mr Haris Pavletic for their contribution for the development of university sport", concluded Mr Pecovnik.

Mr Haris Pavletic, re-elected RUSF President


In the continuation of the Assembly, the delegates approved the reports and activity plan for next academic year, as well as they elected the new board for the next 4-year term. Mr Pavletic was re-elected as the RASF President.

Newly elected board

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