University sport in Polish parliament

University sport in Polish parliament

AZS reports that the Polish parliament will take care of the main problems in sport at the Polish universities. The first meeting of the parliament commission of university sport took place at the beginning of March. This commission consists of 16 members, among them: prof. Marek Rocki - president of the University Sport Association (AZS), Zbigniew Rynasiewicz - chairman of the AZS Rzeszow. The commission also consists of many people who are related to sport – athletes and sport activists.

The parliament commission of university sport is going to propagate active ways of spending free time among Polish community. Its activity is focused on youth, students and authorities. The commission plans to support and organize events that promote physical education and tourism; wants to popularize sport among local and government authorities to create a positive image of healthy and sport active parliamentarians, and give Polish citizens a good example. The commission is also going to promote activities of the AZS and popularize volunteering among youth and students.


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Mr Marek Rzasa from AZS was chosen as the head of the commission and Mr Bartlomiej Korpak, AZS Secretary General, was also present at the first meeting.

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