University American football in Sweden

University American football in Sweden

The first official international student game in American football was played in Uppsala, Sweden on April 6, 2013. The game was between university teams from Sweden and the United Kingdom. Around 900 people showed up in a sunny but cold Uppsala to watch the game. The game was the first trial before next year’s international university championship in American football, also to be held in Uppsala.


There was a large interest to play in the respective international teams and during the trials in the UK over 300 players tried out for the team. In the Swedish team, there were several players with experience from the Swedish national team. Although the game itself was rather even, the British team showed more efficiency and won with 41-21.

From the game...


"For us it was the perfect start of the Championship year as we in Sweden, one year from now, will hold the first World University Championship in American football in the student capital, Uppsala," Mr Stefan Bergh, Vice president of FISU concluded after the game.

Please see the highlight video here.

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