The Netherlands: Changes in SSN

The Netherlands: Changes in SSN

Dutch Students Sports Association - Studentensport Nederland (SSN) is moving its offices this week from Wageningen to Amersfoort.

The new address of SSN is Korte Bergstraat 15, NL-3811 ML Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Also the contact numbers have changed - tel: +31 88 246 8100, fax: +31 33 461 5595, while the email addresses and the website remain unchanged: and

At the same time, SSN is annoucing that Mr Henk Kuiper, the current Secretary General will leave SSN in May 2010 after 14 years of working there. Mr. Hans van Rooijen will take over the position as Secretary General from 1 May 2010.


Henk Kuiper

EUSA joins SSN in thanking Mr Kuiper for his contribution to the Dutch University Sports and wishes Mr van Rooijen all the best in his new position.

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