Take part in VOICE project and speak out for change

Take part in VOICE project and speak out for change

Voices for Truth and Dignity - VOICE project focuses on combating sexual violence and harassment in European sport through research and by listening to voices of those affected, promoting freedom from harassment, violence, exploitation and abuse as a universal right and fundamental social imperative.

The project aims to prioritise the voices of those who have been affected by sexual violence, abuse and exploitation in sport. VOICE will generate a crucial evidence-base from life-history interviews. The accounts of those who have been affected by sexual violence will be used as a platform to produce knowledge-exchange and educational resources. The objective is to enhance the sports community’s capacity to combat sexual violence and strengthen the integrity of sport.

If you have been affected by sexual violence or abuse in the context of sport or physical education, we would like to hear from you. We especially invite individuals living in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom (project partner countries) to contact the researchers in these countries, helping us conduct a European research study.

Any contact will be strictly confidential and if you decide to participate in a research interview, your identity will be protected. VOICE applies a definition of sexual violence that includes sexual abuse and exploitation, physical sexual violence, sexual harassment and homophobic violence. For explicit definitions, please see the VOICE website. The interview period is open until mid 2017, and the project will also stage 8 national or regional Acknowledgement Forums with key stakeholders from the sport and victim-support communities, develop networks, exchange good practice and generate educational resources for the European sports community and disseminate outputs to the wider European sports community.


The project is run by the German Sport University Cologne, with several key partners, including the European University Sports Association (EUSA) and is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Please share the information and see www.voicesfortruthanddignity.eu for details.

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