Swiss University Sports Directors meet

Swiss University Sports Directors meet
The directors of the University Sports Organisations in Switzerland met in the beginning of March in Berne for their regular spring conference.
Among other topics they discussed items such as a new flyer about the Swiss University Sport, published in four languages, a national press conference about the participation of the students in the sports program of their universities, the new initiative of Swiss Olympic to help students to combine study and high level sport and also the 1st European Universities Games 2012 in Cordoba were discussed.

Conference of the Swiss University Sports Directors
Six Swiss Universities with more than 80 students will participate in Cordoba with 5 teams in the team sports volleyball and futsal, and some 8 delegations in tennis, badminton and beachvolleyball. Teams from the universities of Fribourg, Berne, Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich and ETH Zurich are looking forward participating at the first edition of the EUG in Spain.
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