Swiss University Sports Directors Conference

Swiss University Sports Directors Conference

Under the leadership of chairman Roger Roth, University of Freiburg, the directors of the Swiss University Sports Organisations met at a conference in Berne.

One of the main topics was the theme, how to help and to support students which are also part of elite sports programs of the Swiss Olympic Association, at their universities. Karin Rauber, responsible for career-planning at Swiss Olympic, and Fredi Schneider, head of elite sports at Swiss University Sports Federation presented the goal to create a clear concept of promotion of these student athletes at the different Swiss Universities and Institutes for Higher Education. Flexible structures at the different schools should help to combine elite sport and studies. Prior to that, conference the working group had also a meeting with Olaf Tabor, Managing Director the German University Sports Federation (ADH) in order to learn from the successful German example with the 90 'Partner Universities' of ADH.

Fredi Schneider, SUSF and Karin Rauber, Swiss Olympic Committee

Bertrand Robert, Sports director at Neuchtel University and Georges-Andr Carrel, Sports director in Lausanne, presented the last layout of the new brochure of 'University Sports Switzerland', which soon will be printed in the four languages, namely German, French, Italian and English.

Georges-Andr Carrel, Lausanne

Reto Zimmermann, Head of University Sports in Berne, gave an overview over the next national press conference to be held on November 23 with the main topic of the results of a national survey at all Swiss Universities about the sports activities of the students. Leonz Eder, St. Gallen, informed about the news from FISU and EUSA and invited the Swiss University Sports Family to the annual conference to be held in St. Gallen from June 4-6, 2012. Kaspar Egger, Director at ASVZ in Zurich and also member of the Swiss University Sports Foundation, concluded by explaining the contents of the new contract with the SUSF main sponsor Credit Suisse.

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