Swiss University Sports Conference in Lausanne

Swiss University Sports Conference in Lausanne

From June 3- 5, 2013 the Swiss University Sports Conference was held in Lausanne. All the different meetings, presentations and conferences, among them also a presentation of FISU Secretary General Mr Eric Saintrond, were held in the University Sports Center of Dorigny. The directors of all the Swiss University Sports Organisations discussed among other topics the future strategy of "University Sports Switzerland", informed each other about the development in the local University Sports Organisations, focussed on aspects of the security in the different sports programs and on the combination of high level sports and studies.

Carrel, Frund, Saintrond, Eder, Roth


The University Sport of Lausanne under the leadership of Mr Georges-André Carrel was the host of the annual conference. Mr Benoît Frund, Vicerector of the University of Lausanne, welcomed the participants to the conference. More than 40 University sports teachers of all Swiss Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences took part.

Participants of the conference, with Honorary member G.A.Carrel, behind Daniel Studer, EUSA TD Tennis


The Director's Conference and the University Sports Conference was lead by its president Mr Reto Zimmermann, University of Bern. Also Mr Andreas Csonka, President of the Swiss University Sports Federation had its part by presenting his idea about the role of the Swiss NUSA in the context of the development of sport in general and high level sport in particular. Mr Csonka also stressed the importance of the candidature for the Winter Universiade 2019 by the Canton of Valais for the Swiss University Sports Federation in particular and Switzerland in general.

Swiss University Sports Directors


Dr Raphaël Bize from the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine presented the project 'Métasanté' with the goal of promoting sports in the urban area of Lausanne. Mr Saintrond gave not only a historical overview of FISU, but also showed the development of the FISU in Lausanne. He presented also some ideas under the motto "back to campus". 

Mr Leonz Eder


Five workshops, prepared by Mr Patrick Udvardi, University of Lucerne and the meeting of the Technical Committee of SUSF, lead by Mr Markos Michaelides concluded the conference in Lausanne. As a final highlight the title of an honorary member was awarded to Mr Georges-André Carrel. Mr Leonz Eder, Managing Director of SUSF and FISU & EUSA Vice-President hold the laudatio for Carrel. The next conference will be held in the Italian part of Switzerland, in Tenero 2014.

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