Swiss University Sports Conference

Swiss University Sports Conference
 The directors of the Swiss University Sports Organisations as well as the University Sports Teachers met in Zurich to the annual conference. The President of the Swiss University Sports Federation (SUSF), Andreas L. Csonka, was also present and informed about the future challenges of SUSF and the financial situation of the Federation. The Conference was held at Zurich University, and some meetings took place in the Home of FIFA, a close partner of the Academic Sport Association of Zurich (ASVZ).
Bertrand Robert from Neuchâtel resigned as Chair of the Conference and was replaced by Georges-André Carrel, Lausanne. Three new members from different Universities were accepted, while two others retired. Besides of Technical Meetings, a lecture from Dr Marco Toigo was held to "The Science of Pumping Iron". The next Swiss University Sports Conference will be held in Geneva in June 2010.
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