Swiss University Sport Conference

Swiss University Sport Conference

From June 6-8 the Campus Lucerne hosted the annual conference of the Swiss University Sports Organisations and the Swiss University Sport Federation.

The Rector of the University of Lucerne, Dr Paul Richli, welcomed the University Sports representatives from all Swiss Universities and Federal Institutes of Technology and SUSF President Andreas Csonka. He stressed the importance of sport at the Universities for a balanced formation of young personalities. Georges-André Carrel, director of the University Sports Organisation in Lausanne chaired the meeting of the directors and also the Swiss University Sport Conference, while Prof Dr Xaver Büeler, Rector of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts lectured about "Sport - Management - Leadership".



The participants, nearly 40 University Sports Teachers and SUSF Representatives had also the opportunity to practise sports such as Yoga, Running, Biking and Playing Games.


Yoga lesson

The last part of the three days conference was dedicated to the SUSF informations, composed by a strategic overview with SUSF President Andreas Csonka and Managing Director Leonz Eder, presentations from Markos Michaelides, chairman of the technical committee, Daniel Studer, responsible for the EUSA events such as EUC 2011 and EUG 2012 and Fredi Schneider, responsible for the FISU events.


Daniel Studer, responsible for EUSA events, and Leonz Eder, Managing Director

In a question and answer session, Leonz Eder, EC Member both in EUSA and FISU, explained the program and trends in the international university sport bodies. He will also be the host of the next conference, to be held at St. Gallen University in June 2012.

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