Swiss sport meeting in Berne

Swiss sport meeting in Berne

University Sports Switzerland, the Board of the Swiss University Sport Federation and the Directors of the Swiss University Sports Organisations met in Berne, the Swiss Capital, for a two-day Strategic seminar, led by SHSV President Andreas Csonka. Based on the Mission Statement from 2003 and the results of the last Strategic seminar in 2008, the leading bodies of the Swiss University Sport evaluated the actual situation especially of the Federations activities and tried to define new goals in the fields of resources, internal structures, products and communication.


Mr Andreas Csonka and Mr Leonz Eder

The proposal to organize multisport Swiss University Championships instead of individual competitions in every sport in every year was deeply discussed. This idea, successfully realized in the past only at the occasion of the 75th anniversary of SHSF in Magglingen in 2007, will be further studied by a working group, composed of technical experts and related to financial possibilities.


Structures working group, led by Leonz Eder

The working group on structures proposed some changes in the department of elite sport, but also for the Technical Commission on the national level. SHSV has also to replace the Head of Delegation for the Winter Universiade as Erich Hanselmann is retiring. New efforts have to be done in the field of internal and external communication in order to reach much more people not only in the universities but also in the general public.


One of the working groups, Resources

The workshop on resources analyzed the financial situation of the Federation, its support by the different Swiss University Sport Organisations integrated in the Universities and Institutes of Higher Education and evaluated also the structure of the Swiss University Sport Foundation. Finally the participants of the Strategic seminar defined the future steps to be undertaken in the different areas.


City of Berne

In a few days, on April 14, the Swiss University Sports Federation will hold its annual General Assembly again in Berne in the "House of Sports" as guests of the Swiss Olympic Association.

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