SUSA General Assembly

SUSA General Assembly

Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA) held its annual general assembly on Friday, 10th December 2010 at the headquarters of the University of Ljubljana. The Assembly was attended by the representatives of SUSA member organisations, university sports organisations from Ljubljana, Maribor and Primorska.


General Assembly SUSA


Prof. dr. Otmar Kugovnik, president of SUSA, made a report for the preceding period, and outlined plans for current and future period. In 2011, in the field of international activities, the most visible will be the participation in the Winter Universiade in Erzurum and the Summer Universiade in Shenzhen, especially since this will be the last universiades before the 26th Winter Universiade 2013 in Slovenia. In the coming year, SUSA will host the 2nd European Universities Golf Championship and in cooperation with our members it will also try to provide its students to participate in other European Universities Championships.


At the national level, in 2011 strong emphasis will be on strengthening the brand healthy fun (Zdrava zabava) and services offered under this name for Slovenian students. Another big focus will be devoted to the development of sports events under the name of festival of sport, representing the national university games. Apart from the sports – national university championships, they also cover social, educational and entertainment aspect. SUSA will, of course, remain one of the key partners in organising of the largest sporting event in Slovenia - 26 Winter Universiade Maribor 2013.


SUSA President giving an award to dr Milan Zvan

SUSA President took the opportunity to thank the members of SUSA for their support and cooperation, and other regular partners and partners on projects. At the conclusion of the official part, the President thanked the Chair of the SUSA Assembly, prof. dr. Milan Žvan, and him also being the dean of the Faculty of Sport at the University of Ljubljana, dr. Kugovnik congratulated him on the 50th anniversary of the Faculty, and presented a Memorial Cup to him. Official part was followed by informal gathering.

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