Survey on mental health in sports as part of the YouMind project

Survey on mental health in sports as part of the YouMind project

During the month of July, a survey on mental health in sports was launched as part of the activities of the YouMind project. 

The survey followed the partner's meeting, as well as the two mental health workshops held during the European Universities Games 2024 in Debrecen and Miskolc, Hungary.

If you find yourselves in the group of people that are engaged in sport, either recreationally, or professionally, we would like to ask you to take a few moments and complete our survey on mental health. The survey can be found here and will be available until 10th of September 2024.

The survey is a part of the activities aimed to gather data and to raise awareness of the importance of mental health in sports.

The survey is one of the main outputs of the project, including: workshops; multiple productuons, such as: surveys, workshops, open discussions, short videos, articles, interviews; and testimonies that can be relayed in universities, sports clubs and at sports events; leaflet to recommend good pedagogical practices for current and future coaches 
additional experience and data on how to organise conferences, workshops on the topic of mental health in sport during the partners future events. 

Overall, this project advocates for a better understanding of mental health-related challenges for young athletes. By raising awareness about the importance of mental health in sport, we hope that it will be one step towards lifting the stigma around this topic. The values supported by this project will be endorsed by all project partners.

YouMind is a small-scale partnership project that aims to raise awareness about the importance of mental health in sport and to develop different strategies to prevent mental health issues for young athletes. The ideas developed jointly with all the partners will be presented in a form of promotional video and guidelines sharing the best practices with athletes and sport organizations. The project will last two years and will consist of various activities, such as workshops, surveys and meetings. YouMind project is Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

YouMind project partners are committed to healthy lifestyles and well-being in the sports community, recognising the importance of mental health for young athletes. It is well known that the sports environment can be a factor in the development of mental health struggles for some young athletes, which partners aim to prevent through three main project objectives.

For more information, please see 

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