Summer Student Sport Festival in SLO

Summer Student Sport Festival in SLO

Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA) organised on Friday and Saturday, June 3 & 4 the Summer festival of student sport, the national university games, in spa resort Podcertek. About 150 students participated in this traditional event in three team and two individual sports. The winners received the title of National University Champions for 2011, and with this they qualified to participate in the European Universities Championships.

Registration and welcome desk

The competitions started on Friday morning in the local sports hall, shortly after the opening ceremony. On behalf of prof. dr. Otmar Kugovnik, the President of the Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA), the students were welcomed by the President of the Maribor University Sports Association Mr Pucnik.

Women volleyball team

In the team competitions, the student teams defended their respective universities in Basketball, Volleyball and Futsal. After the matches on Friday and Saturday, the University of Maribor won the title of the national champion in basketball; while the University of Ljubljana managed to win the title of the national champions in volleyball and futsal. In individual events, the students competed in tennis and table tennis.

Futsal match

The winners were awarded medals by the Mayor of Podcetrtek Mr Peter Misja. The President of SUSA prof. dr. Otmar Kugovnik emphasised that the event is more than just of competitive nature, as it also allows students from different universities to get to know each other and socialise by combining their studies and sports.

Tennis medallists

All participants could also enjoy the recreational facilities, including the swimming pool, party and other entertainment programme organised for them during the Summer Festival of Student Sport.


SUSA will conclude this year’s university championships next week with the National university golf championship in Ljubljana.

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