Successful Young Reporters Programme 2011

Successful Young Reporters Programme 2011

This summer, young journalists and reporters from all around the world had a unique opportunity to get practical skills and experience at a large sporting event.

The International University Sports Federation (FISU), in cooperation with the International Sport Press Association (AIPS) and the Organising Committee of the 26th Summer Universiade, enabled seminars, training and gaining plenty of experiences for the selected participants during the university games in Shenzhen, China.


FISU published a call for participation for two candidates per continent and out of the received entries, almost 50 were taken into consideration; with 18 candidates from Europe. Following the application of various selection criteria and conducting skype meetings with the top candidates, two young journalists were chosen from each continent. From Europe, two female representatives travelled to Shenzhen: Nicole Torresgrossa from Germany and Sonja Nikcevic from Serbia.


Over 60 young journalists - 30 selected by AIPS, 12 by FISU and 20 local journalists by the OC - were tutored and mentored by sports press specialists and participated in a number of high-level seminars conducted by international sports experts and federation representatives. Among others, they were also given the chance to conduct interviews, write the press releases and contribute to the reporting from the games to local and international media.

Special input was also given from FISU representatives, starting from both the previous and new president Mr George E Killian and Mr Claude-Louis Gallien, FISU Assessors Mr Leonz Eder and Mrs Verena Burk (Chairs of the FISU Press Commission) and FISU staff with Mr Dejan Susovic and Mr Christian Pierre.

FISU President Mr Gallien

EUSA salutes the initiative and congratulates all young reporters for their participation.


More information about the programme is available online at, and

(Photos by C. Pierre, FISU)

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