Successful YIAP local activities of EUSA team

The team of EUSA Youth Integrity Ambassadors did their local activity in two occasions taking part in two big local events – the May Games and the Happy Volunteering Day in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana.
One of the events was the May Games Festival on the 23rd of May, where the EUSA team introduced their Youth Integrity Ambassadors Programme Project. The main goal of the Youth Integrity Ambassadors Programme is to educate and empower young people as active ambassadors of integrity in sports and inspire them.
The May Games are the biggest student festival in Slovenia, combining three strands: culture, sport, and entertainment, organized by the Student Council of the Residents of the Ljubljana Student Centre.
The key objective of the YIAP local activity was to raise awareness and promote integrity in sports with several diverse activities such as playing mini basketball, memory games and asking quiz questions on the topic of discrimination in sports for example how to tackle prejudicial views in sports or how to implement tools against discrimination in sports.
Few days later, on the Happy Day of Volunteering, EUSA team did the second round of the local activity. The EUSA stand on both events attracted many university students who were curious about this essentially relevant subject and wanted to participate in all the games to win some EUSA-branded prizes.
EUSA team managed to educate and share the message of integrity in sports, to a great number of students, both local and from abroad, through making them share their opinion and having short discussions on the relevant topics, such as: discrimination in sports, sport for people with disabilities, fair play and doping.
The YIAP project is led by the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO) with ENGSO Youth (SWE) and Swedish Sports Confederation (SWE), partnering with EUSA Institute (SLO), Special Olympics Europe-Eurasia Foundation - SOEE (IRL), RF-SISU Smäland (SWE), Portuguese Sport Confederation (POR), Lithuanian Union Of Sport Federation - LSFS (LTU), Organisation for Sports Education - OPES (ITA) and associating partners The European Lotteries.