Successful GA of Sports Students' Union of Ukraine

The Sports Students' Union of Ukraine, EUSA Member, held its General Assembly on May 22nd in Kyiv, with the participation of representatives of the authorities and the sports community - both in presence and online.
Among those present were Minister of Education and Science of UkraineMr Oksen Lisovyi, Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and President of the President of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine Mr. Vadym Gutzeit, Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Mr. Oleksii Dniprov, Mayor of Kyiv Mr. Vitali Klitschko,President of FISU Mr. Leonz Eder and President of EUSA Mr. Adam Roczek.
The Assembly agenda saw the discussion of very important issues, such as the report of the organization activities and the report of the Audit Commission of the Union for 2017-2022, and the election of the new Executive Committee.
The President of the Union and EUSA Board Member Mr. Ievgeniy Imas, the members of the Executive Committee and the delegates recognized the activity of the organization as effective, both from the point of view of the development of student and mass sports in Ukraine, and from the point of view of representing Ukraine and defending the interests of the State in the international arena.
In an open vote, the Rector of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Prof. Ievgeniy Imas, was re-elected President of the Ukrainian Student Sports Union for the next 5 years. The Vice-Presidents Dniprov Serhiiovych, Kulikov Musiyovych, Mazaraki Antonovyc, Krysovaty Igorevych, Secretary General Vadym Stetsenko and members of the Executive Committee of the Union were also elected.
It should be noted that two students were also elected to the Executive Committee: Master of Sports of Ukraine in synchronized swimming Nadia Gerasimenko and Master of Sports of Ukraine in kickboxing Stanislav Slobodian.
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