Student volunteers in Poland

Student volunteers in Poland

Volunteers are strength of the university sport – said one of the participants IX FISU Forum, that took place in Cracow in 2008. Volunteers are inseparable element of each event, championships organized (not only) by university sport associations all over the world. They not only help prepare the event or look after a proper run of it, but also take care of participants, guests and provide a good and friendly atmosphere during the events.

Being a volunteer is a great adventure in one’s life. It allows to gain experience in many areas, to meet new people, to realize how events look like from the background, it is also a great occasion to check skills (language, organizing) and character and to learn something new from more experienced colleagues.


AZS volunteers

University Sport Association of Poland (AZS), perceives a huge strength of volunteering and a great effects that it has for a future of one’s career. That is why AZS created a data base of volunteers from Poland helping them in participation in sport events. Portal that has been started in the middle of May 2010, is a platform of communication between organizers who prepare sport events and people who are keen to work as a volunteer.


Polish volunteers

We would like to assure participation in sport events, on local, country, international, and of course university level, to everybody who wants to work for AZS and for sport. It is very important to give people opportunity to raise their skills, abilities and to use their potential and  experience. Profits derive for both sides of such cooperation. I know that, because I worked as a volunteer during the studies. Experiences I gathered from these times, were very useful in my adult life, when I started to work, said Dariusz Sokolowski, Main Board of AZS official, and coordinator of the volunteers portal.

We hope that become a place that help many people in developing their personality, gathering experiences and unforgettable memories, added Sokolowski.

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