Student sport festival in Slovenia

Student sport festival in Slovenia

Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA) and University Sports Association of Primorska organized the annual Slovenian University Sports Games – Festival of students sport. This year, the summer festival was held by the Slovenian sea side at the end of May. 


Under the trademark Zdrava zabava (Healthy fun), over 130 students from all over Slovenia competed in volleyball, basketball, futsal, tennis and beach volleyball.

Basketball matcehs

The winners of each sport will be given an opportunity to participate in the European Universities Championships in 2013


The summer edition of the Slovenian University Sports Games concluded this year’s season of national university championships in Slovenia which this year encompass (apart from the winter festival with Alpine skiing and snowboarding) volleyball, basketball, futsal, tennis, beach volleyball, street basket, sports shooting, orienteering, taekwondo and chess; with golf to come in the fall.

Men's beach volleyball matches near the sea


The festival has become a synonym for student sport in Slovenia. In addition to the competition, an important part of the Festival is the social aspect, where Slovenian students get together, play sports, get to know each other and party together afterwards.

Women's volleyball


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