Student Games in Warsaw

Student Games in Warsaw

AZS Warsaw was an organizer and a host of the first edition of Student Games. Event took place in the middle of the December and gathered over 600 students from six Polish cities – winners of the regional selection matches (conducted on November) from Warsaw, Cracow, Katowice, Gdansk, Poznan and Lublin.

It was the first Games in the history, and they were at once described as a successful event. Students competed in volleyball, basketball, futsal and in individual disciplines such as swimming, table tennis, cross country running and ergometer.



The competition was very stiff, especially among teams from Warsaw and Katowice. Finally the leader of the games became Warsaw, which collected 64 points in general classification. Representatives of the host won competitions in women’s basketball, table tennis and men’s cross country. Katowice (60 points) was second – best in swimming, futsal and women’s volleyball. Third was representatives of Gdańsk (43,5 points).


Winter run

Apart from sport activities, organizers guaranteed non-sport attractions for participants a big party in one of Warsaw’s club. Students praised the host for very good preparation venues, competitions and free time. It was also a great opportunity for students to visit the city (some of them came to Warsaw for the first time) and meet people from other regions of Poland.


Test of strength

Organizers are also satisfied and proud of the interest and attendance during the games: “By organizing the Games for the students of the first years of the studies, we would like to show what is the main idea of the AZS – atmosphere, fun and sport (in Polish: Atmosfera, Zabawa Sport); to stimulate young people to play sport and actively spending free time and, first of all, to show them that studies is not only a time to learn, but also for realizing their passions (including sport passions). I think we have succeeded,” said Rafal Jachimiak, the main coordinator of the event. The Games next year are announced to be organized in Gdansk.

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